1. Open LittleBigSnake and press play.
2. Press "Settings" - small grey gear icon in the bottom right corner.
3. Under profile, press "Leave the game" - you will be prompted to register the current account if it is unregistered. If you would like to have access to the account you are about to leave, then register it, if not, then agree to lose all progress. If the account you are leaving has already been registered, there will be no prompt.
4. You will be taken back to the initial LBS screen, now press Sign In at the bottom left corner.
5. Click the icon that your account is authenticated with. *note* If you have registered with a gmail.com account, press EMAIL. If you are registered with Google Play, press the Google icon.
6. If you do not know which authorization method to use, please contact LBS support.
i really dont know
open a ticket with LBS via their Zen-something platform
they are usually very responsive
or Br or your country and tell them your problem to logging
Very helpful !!!
Helpful indeed!
Boa noite! Não estou conseguindo logar meu jogo com o Facebook, e já tenho essa conta a 4 anos, que faço pra logar com minha conta Google e tira do Facebook?
* não estou conseguindo
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