- Lair Screen: Here can find the options to study other rebellious snakes, by clicking on Observe Button, Your Title/Rank in the Game, Your Current Skin, Your Wardrobe of various Skins, View other Friends, and more.
- Settings Screen. The System, Profile, and Emotes Settings are under Settings Symbol at the lower right corner of your Little Big Snake dashboard. You can get your Game ID, change your username, select your emotes, choose your game server, and various other game settings here.
- Experience: You can view your experience or level on the above-left corner.
- Chat: This is only available for VIP Players. For opening the Chat Screen, click a tiny Yellow Symbol on the left of the screen.
- Shop Screen: Here you can buy rubies and gold, activate VIP Status, and view various plans on Sale.
- Evolution Screen: Bonuses, Rubies, Crowns, and Coins that you earn through Level Chests, on the Arena, or by buying, can be used to increase your speed, improvise nectar consumption, and further enhance the quality of the Goodies you collect by smothering the Green Bubbles. All of this helps in Evolution!
- Achievement: Here you can view all your achievements. Each achievement has 10 diamonds. Once all 10 diamonds on your Brown Cards are filled, you are given a crown and the card turns golden. It takes time to turn all the 19 cards golden! Some of them are pretty hard– but not impossible to crack– like Heir, Fatty, Dominator, and Goldminer.
- Coins & Rubies: These are visible on the top-right corner of the screen. The crowns you collect are turned to Gold. The Green ‘+’ (plus) signs can be clicked to buy some gold/ruby.
- Rating: You can view your title, rating, records, and score, by clicking on the Rank Podium symbol in the Lair Screen.
- Friends: In the Friends Screen, you can search and invite your friends or add random people as your friends in the game. You can also view “suggested friends”, who are basically people who have sent you a friend request. You can see which friend is online and can click on the play button to play along with them in the arena. One good thing is that you can add no more than 100 friends.
For more detailed instructions on how to add friends, check here: https://littlebigsnake.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360051575993-How-do-I-add-a-friend-
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